måndag 15 juni 2015

Matthäus Schwartz Trachtenbuch

Okay, maybe all of you already knew this, but I didn't know that you could download the whole Matthäus Schwarts Trachtenbuch as a PDF. You find the link from the Wikimedia Commons page.

Dr Ulinka Rublack at Cambridge University, who is one of my favourite scholars on dress in Early modern Europe has not only written about Matthäus Schwarz in her book Dressing Up: Cultural Identity in Renaissance Europe (Oxford, 2011), but also worked on a project with theatre costumer Jenny Tirimani to recreate one of the costumes. Here you can see a video clip about it - it's amazing.

There's more info about Matthäus Schwartz and the project here.

Matthäus Schwarz, 22 years old:

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